You are of course doing business via online contracts. Contracts that have standard sizes called lots in place to make online forex trading standardised around the world. The following is a list of common lot sizes and the corresponding number of currency units that you are in fact buying or selling.
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You are of course doing business via online contracts. Contracts that have standard sizes called lots in place to make online forex trading standardised around the world. The following is a list of common lot sizes and the corresponding number of currency units that you are in fact buying or selling.
Overview. What is Forex? The forex or FX market, which is short for the foreign exchange market, is the place in which individuals, companies and governments all trade different currencies with one another. Put simply, the forex market is the marketplace where money is bought and sold. Open 24 hours a day and 5 days a week, unlike stock or bond markets, the forex market doesn’t close at